Consolidation and practice
These resources are to support children in guided or independent work.
Opportunities to use and apply
Possible contexts include:
- Questions involving reasoning, e.g. the difference between two numbers is 5. What might the two numbers be? Can you think of at least three other pairs of numbers where the difference is 5? How did you find these pairs of numbers?
- Measures, e.g. Measure the length of your shoe and your friend's shoe to the nearest centimetre. Which shoe is longer? How much longer?
- Data, e.g. ask questions that involve finding the difference between data represented on a pictogram or block graph.
- Problem solving, e.g. what do you notice about pairs of numbers that have a difference of 10? Why is this?
- Word problems, e.g. A coach has fifty seats. If a class of thirty-four children go to the zoo, how many adults could go with them?
- Calendars, e.g. it is 17 May. How many more days is it until 25 May?
Confirming learning
Ask probing questions such as:
- The difference between 25 and 33 is 8. How could you write this as a number sentence? What other words could you use to read this number sentence?
- How could you find the difference between 17 and 24? What number facts might you use to help? What is the difference between 27 and 34? What do you notice? Work with a partner to find other pairs of numbers with the same difference. Do you notice a pattern?
- Look at these numbers 25, 32, 34, 31, 27.
Find the pair of numbers with a difference of 5. Make up a similar problem for someone else to answer.
- Look at this number sentence, 23 =
− 7. What number is missing? How did you work it out?
- Use a number line to help explain how you would find the difference between 15 and 33.