Module 6 Measuring
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Can I use the position of both hands to tell the time to the quarter hour on a clock face?

Example review questions

  • Why is one hand longer than the other on a clock face? What does the long hand tell us? What does the short hand tell us?
  • Starting at 12, which number is halfway round the clock?
  • Can you move the hands on your clock to show 4 o'clock?
  • Explain to someone how you would move the hands on your clock to show half past 4?
  • Which hand would you look at first in order to tell the time? Why?
  • Which of these clocks shows quarter past 3? How do you know?
    Three clock faces

Teaching guidance

This teaching guidance document suggests some of the key vocabulary, models, images and practical equipment that children should experience and be able to use. It also includes some teaching tips to provide a few starting points for ways of supporting children with this area of mathematics.

PDF file Can I use the position of both hands to tell the time to the quarter hour on a clock face? - teaching guidance | 81KB new window

Consolidation and practice

These resources are to support children in guided or independent work.

Opportunities to use and apply

Possible contexts include:

  • Matching times to everyday events, e.g. match some pictures of daily events to some given clock faces showing their typical times.
  • Comparing times, e.g. sort some given times into a sequence from earliest to latest and draw hands onto corresponding clock faces.
  • Problems involving the duration of time, e.g. School starts at 9 o'clock; show this time on your clock. Now show what time it would be if you were half an hour late.
  • I went out for a walk at half past 3 and walked for quarter of an hour. Show me on these two clock faces what time I started and what time I would then have finished.

Confirming learning

Ask probing questions such as:

  • The long hand on a clock is pointing to the 3, what number will it point to when it has made half a turn?
  • What time could it be if the long hand is pointing to 12?
  • Close your eyes and imagine a clock face; the long hand is pointing at 12 and the short hand at 3; what time is it?
  • Imagine a clock that shows it is half past 3. Where is the long hand pointing? Where is the short hand pointing?
  • This clock should be showing half past 7 but one hand is missing. Which one? How do you know? Show me where it should be.
    A clock with one hand pointing straight down