Consolidation and practice
These resources are to support children in guided or independent work.
Opportunities to use and apply
Possible contexts include:
- Finding different ways to label the same set of shapes, e.g. think of a label for this set of shapes that includes the word 'sides'. Now think of a label that uses the words 'right angle'.
- Finding more examples that belong to a set, e.g. find other shapes that could belong in this set. Now suggest some that could not belong.
- Handling data, e.g. sorting shapes using Carroll and Venn diagrams, starting with one criterion and then if appropriate extending this to two criteria.

Confirming learning
Ask probing questions such as:
- Which shape is the odd one out? Why?

- Choose some shapes that could go together in a set. What label would you give the set? What label could you give to all the shapes that don't belong in your set? Is there any other way you could label your set?
- Kara has made a mistake sorting these shapes. Can you spot her mistake?