Module 2 Counting and understanding numbers
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Can I round a two-digit number to the nearest 10?

Example review questions

  • If I am on number 14 on a number line, what is the nearest multiple of 10?
  • Is 36 closer to 30 or 40? Can you explain why?
  • Which of these numbers round to 30?
    32, 36, 22, 34, 27
    How do you know?
  • Can you tell me two different numbers that round to 20?
  • I have 22 rabbits. Do I have about 20 or about 30 rabbits? Why?
  • What numbers between 21 and 30 round to 30? Why?
  • Can you explain how you round these numbers to the nearest 10?
    12, 16, 25, 31, 49
  • Which of these numbers round to the same multiple of 10?
    29, 22, 18

Teaching guidance

This teaching guidance document suggests some of the key vocabulary, models, images and practical equipment that children should experience and be able to use. It also includes some teaching tips to provide a few starting points for ways of supporting children with this area of mathematics.

PDF file Can I round a two-digit number to the nearest 10? - teaching guidance | 34KB new window

Consolidation and practice

These resources are to support children in guided or independent work.

Opportunities to use and apply

Possible contexts include:

  • Reading scales, e.g. approximating a measurement to the nearest 10 units.
  • Approximating calculations, e.g. what is the approximate total of 32 and 21? How does rounding help you to work it out?
  • Calculations involving bridging through the next multiple of 10, e.g. what is 17 + 8? Show how you can work this out using two jumps on the number line by partitioning the 8 into 3 and 5.
    A number line showing 17, 20 and 25

Confirming learning

Ask probing questions such as:

  • Dee was saving up for a computer game costing £40. She had saved £36. She decided she had nearly enough money. Was she correct? Why?
  • Nicky had collected 74 stickers. She said she had about 70 altogether. What did she mean?
  • What is the largest number that rounds to 60? Why?
  • What is the smallest number that rounds to 60? Why?
  • Ben says he can think of 9 different numbers that you can round to 20. Show me why you agree or disagree with him.
  • I think of a number and round it to the nearest 10. The answer is 50. What could my first number be? What other numbers could it be?