Roll over an arrow to see how the objectives relate to the 'Can I?' questions. Select an arrow to see the 'Can I?' questions. You may need to use the scroll bar to see all available objectives.
Year 5 objectives
Year 6 objectives
Describe the occurrence of familiar events, using the language of chance or likelihood
Describe and predict outcomes from data using the language of chance or likelihood
Answer a set of related questions by collecting, selecting and organising relevant data; draw conclusions, using ICT to present features, and identify further questions to ask
Solve problems by collecting, selecting, processing, presenting and interpreting data, using ICT where appropriate; draw conclusions and identify further questions to ask
Construct frequency tables, pictograms and bar and line graphs to represent the frequencies of events and changes over time
Construct and interpret frequency tables, bar charts with grouped discrete data, and line graphs; interpret pie charts
Find and interpret the mode of a set of data
Describe and interpret results and solutions to problems, using the mode, range, median and mean