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Year 5 objectives
Year 6 objectives
Identify, visualise and describe properties of rectangles, triangles, regular polygons and 3-D solids; use knowledge of properties to draw 2-D shapes, and to identify and draw nets of 3-D shapes
Describe, identify and visualise parallel and perpendicular edges or faces; use these properties to classify 2-D shapes and 3-D solids
Make and draw shapes with increasing accuracy and apply knowledge of their properties
Complete patterns with up to two lines of symmetry; draw the position of a shape after a reflection or translation
Visualise and draw on grids of different types where a shape will be after reflection, after translations, or after rotation through 90° or 180° about its centre or one of its vertices
Read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant; recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in grids and shapes; use a set-square and ruler to draw shapes with perpendicular or parallel sides
Use coordinates in the first quadrant to draw, locate and complete shapes that meet given properties
Estimate, draw and measure acute and obtuse angles, using an angle measurer or protractor, to a suitable degree of accuracy; calculate angles in a straight line
Estimate angles, and use a protractor to measure and draw them, on their own and in shapes; calculate angles in a triangle or around a point