Consolidation and practice
These resources are to support children in guided or independent work. Roll over the highlighted resource for a description.
Tell the time

This interactive teaching program (ITP) is an ICT-based tool to support the exploration of telling the time. Tell the time ITP allows the child or teacher to set and compare times on an on-screen analogue and digital clock.
Opportunities to use and apply
Possible contexts include:
- checking that an analogue and digital watch are showing the same time;
- making a set of snap cards showing matching digital and analogue times;
- collecting examples around the environment and home of when analogue clocks and digital displays are used.
Confirming learning
Ask probing questions such as:
- How many different ways can you read and write the time that is 15 minutes before one o'clock?
- What instructions would you give someone for displaying on an analogue clock a time you have read on a digital display?
- What time does this clock say?
Can you say this in other ways?
How would this time be shown on a digital clock?