Module 5 Measuring
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Can I read the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock, using the correct vocabulary?

Example review questions

  • Move the hands on a clock to show the time as 20 to four.
  • How many minutes are there in an hour? How many in half an hour?
  • What do we usually say instead of '15 past nine'?
  • What time does this clock show?
    An analogue clock showing five thirty-five as the time.
    Explain how you read this time. Say the time in as many ways as you can.

Teaching guidance

This teaching guidance document suggests some of the key vocabulary, models, images and practical equipment that children should experience and be able to use. It also includes some teaching tips to provide a few starting points for ways of supporting children with this area of mathematics.

DOC file Can I read the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock, using the correct vocabulary? - teaching guidance | 437KB new window

Consolidation and practice

These resources are to support children in guided or independent work. Roll over the highlighted resource for a description.

Tell the time


This interactive teaching program (ITP) is an ICT-based tool to support the exploration of telling the time. Tell the time ITP allows the child or teacher to set and compare times on an on-screen analogue and digital clock.

Opportunities to use and apply

Possible contexts include:

  • finding out whether all of the clocks in the school are set to the same time, to the nearest five minutes;
  • appointing a different 'time keeper' each day to give the class a 5-minute warning before it is time to go out to play, to assembly;
  • keeping a diary of events at home, e.g. when children get home from school or eat tea.

Confirming learning

Ask probing questions such as:

  • Why is it helpful to have two hands on a clock face? What do they each tell you?
  • What do we usually say instead of ‘50 minutes past 12’?
  • When do we use the word 'past' and when do we use the word 'to' when telling the time?
  • What number would the long hand be pointing to if the time is 20 to six? Would the short hand be pointing exactly to the number six?