Module 5 Measuring
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Can I explain the relationships between kilometres and metres, metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres?

Example review questions

  • How many metres in a kilometre, grams in a kilogram, millilitres in a litre?
  • Can you fill in the gaps?
    • 100 cm = Emtpy box m
    • Emtpy box cm = 1/2 m
    • Emtpy box g = 2 kg
  • If you had a 4-litre container of milk, how many millilitres would that be?
  • Would you expect:
    • a handspan to be 5, 15 or 50 cm wide;
    • a new-born baby to weigh 3 kg or 30 kg;
    • a teapot to hold 1 litre, 10 litres or 100 litres?
  • Is the capacity of this bottle bigger or smaller than one litre? About how many millilitres do you think it would hold?