Consolidation and practice
These resources are to support children in guided or independent work.
Opportunities to use and apply
Possible contexts include:
- Sorting children in the class, e.g. sort everyone in the class using this table.

Now find a different way to sort everyone into two groups.
- Solving puzzles and problems, e.g. the digits in number 23 make a total of 5; how many other two-digit numbers can you find like this? Make a list. Explain how you know you have found them all.
Confirming learning
Ask probing questions such as:
- Can you think of a way this set of dominoes has been sorted? What label would you give each column in this table? Now sort them in a different way, label your columns and explain your thinking.

- Look at the diagram below. How many more children go to recorder club than go to computer club? Do more children go to recorder club than go to chess and computer club? How do you know?