Teaching guidance
This teaching guidance document suggests some of the key vocabulary, models, images and practical equipment that children should experience and be able to use. It also includes some teaching tips to provide a few starting points for ways of supporting children with this area of mathematics.
Can I use a table, pictogram or block graph to answer questions? - teaching guidance | 83KB 
Consolidation and practice
This resource is to support children in guided or independent work.
Opportunities to use and apply
Possible contexts include:
- Cross–curricular links, e.g. in science discover how many different kinds of minibeasts live in different parts of the school grounds.
- Testing a hypothesis, e.g. I think that most first names in our class have more than five letters? What do we need to do to test if this is true?
- Solving a problem, e.g. Is it quicker to write or type sentences? Discuss how this could be answered, what data needs to be collected and how it could be recorded to help answer this question.
Confirming learning
Ask probing questions such as:
- Look at this block graph.
- Which way of travelling to school is used by most children? Explain how you know.
Can you think of another question you could ask and answer using the data?
- Do you think it's true that most children in our class have packed lunches? How could we find out? Make a list or table and explain what you have found out.